21 September 2013

Friends and Fall Celebration

In celebration of all that is Fall and Friendly, I am hosting my very first giveaway!
Actually, I really wanted to have my first giveaway for a couple of reasons. One, because I'm overwhelmed with joy and thankfulness for every single one of you who take the time to read what I am sharing. I am really excited about all of the new friendships that have come from joining the bloggy world. And two, I seriously do love the change into the Fall season. I look forward to the crisper air, long sleeves, fleece, and hot chocolate.

So, for an official kick off to the Fall season, let's have some fun! Three winners will get their very own $10 Starbucks Gift Card. I've got all three sitting right here beside me and I'll mail them out to you shortly after the giveaway ends. :)
As for details, the giveaway will last through September. There are all sorts of ways to enter - be sure to check them out below. Once the winners are chosen, I'll get in touch with you and will send your gift card to you shortly after.

Now, moving on to that Friendly Fall Fun!
As always, thanks for reading.
September 22, 2013


Linda said...

I love Starbucks muffins.

Shelley said...

I LOVE Pumpkin Spice Latte! One of my favorite things about fall :)

Amy said...

Of course I'm loving the pumpkin spice latte, but my go-to favorite has always been the vanilla bean frapp

Unknown said...

Hi Kate
I'm visiting from SSS Hop this week. I'm guest Hosting and wanted to say hello and thanks for linking up. I entered your Starbucks giveaway. I love Starbucks, who doesn't, right.

Nancy said...

What a great idea! I will never NOT enter a contest for Starbucks! Toffee nut latte is my fave! Thanks!! :)

Unknown said...

Thanks for hosting love!

Lifeonephoto said...

You are speaking my language with this post. Fall and winter are my favorite seasons. Bring on the boots, scarf, and sweaters! Then comes snow which is magic to me. I should be living in Colorado instead of Virginia. I a me biggest Starbucks fan. Having a cup right now from my freshly ground blonde beans. I WILL enter your contest. Love your blog.

mail4rosey said...

My favorite Starbucks item is the coffee (just coffee with cream). My husband loves about everything on their menu. :)

Thank you for the giveaway, and for linking to Super Sunday Sync.

Ashley Dorey said...

Thanks for hosting such a great giveaway! I love a good Mocha Frappuccino!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for hosting such a great giveaway!


Stephanie @ Life, Unexpectedly said...

That's o nice of you, Kate!! Tuesday in a week, we'll finally have Pumpkin Spice Latte here!!

Stone Cottage Adventures said...

What a fun giveaway! Today is a lovely Fall day with 70-ish temps and sunshine. Perfect! -Marci @ Stone Cottage Adventures

Kristen said...

I love you (not in a creepy way of course!). You are awesome and there's no better time to celebrate Fall. I had a pumpkin donut the other day from Dunkins...way too good. I never realized how much I missed them until I had one :)

Shannon @ Everyday Mom-ents said...

So nice to put a face with a name now!! Fortunately (unfortunate for my taste buds) for me the only Starbucks around us is inside the nearby hospital... otherwise I think my budget would be suffering!! What a fun giveaway idea! Hope you have a great day!!!

Unknown said...

Oohh, I loovee their Pumpkin Spice Lattes. Their Chai Tea Lattes are also really yummy.

Candace said...

Give me a tall nonfat chai tea latte all day every day!

Anonymous said...

chocolate smoothie.

Serena said...

Strawberry and creme fraps

Natalie said...

I love their smoothies!

Jennifer Speed said...

My favorite is their green tea frappuccino

Unknown said...

The pumpkin spice latte - yum!

Mammamayor said...

I live their rice Krispy treats and ice tea,natbelinsky@verizon.net

Hollie Marie said...

I love many things at Starbucks - but at this time of year an iced soy salted caramel mocha steals my heart!


Candice said...

I love soy white chocolate peppermint mochas. So good!

d schmidt said...

I like their vanilla lattes the most.

Amy Heffernan said...

Latte! :D

1froglegs said...

My favorite non-coffee item is the scones

Alyson said...

Chai Latte!

Amy Lynn said...

Raspberry mocha! Yum!

Jessica Schank Snow said...

I love the Vanilla Frap!
Thanks for the giveaway! =)

Daily Woman (Lacey) said...

White Chocolate Mocha

Victoria C said...

My favorite is the caramel frappuccino

lori b said...

my fav item is the strawbery creme frapp and lemon loaf

Janell wagner said...

pumpkin spice latte

Jen Haile said...

I love Pumpkin Spice Latte!!!!!

Lauren O. said...

I like chai tea lattes from Starbucks!


John Leahy said...

I like their hot sandwiches, with a mocha latte chaser

Shane R. said...

I like the pumpkin spice lattes

amkj2002 said...

Love dark roast with a little cream....but I do enjoy a pumpkin spice latter or two in the fall!


Amy L said...

My favorite is Starbucks' gingerbread loaf with cream cheese frosting. Yummy!

jessie2247 said...

My favorite Starbucks item probably has to be their peppermint mocha frapp

Helga said...

My fave item is their caffe mocha!

Unknown said...

Venti mocha with whip cream and lemon pound cake! YUM!

Renee said...

Skinny vanilla latte!! Mmmmm!

Juliet said...

I'm not a coffee drinker, but I love to take the whipped cream off my husband's iced coffees.

Juliet said...

I'm not a coffee drinker, but I love to take the whipped cream off my husband's iced coffees.

Kim H. said...

My favorite Starbucks drink is an iced grande two pump mocha!

Anonymous said...

White chocolate mochas are my favorite! I did branch out the other day for a Pumpkin Spice Frappuccino, but it's back to "tall white mochas" from now on!

Samantha D. said...

I love the Frappacinos. Caramel and cookie crumble mocha are my go to favorites. Really nice pick me up after a long day

Anonymous said...

I love their frappacionos! My name on rafflecopter is Rea

Lynda Thomas said...

I love their Caramel Apple Spice! yummy!

tina reynolds said...

I love there frappacionos so good

JC said...

I like pumpkin spice latte for fall

Lin Gorenkoff said...

I love Starbucks' vanilla bean frap!

Pinky Sade said...


Michelle Kafka said...

I love Starbuck's banana chocolate chunk muffin best.
Thanks for the giveaway. :)

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