This week's Listicle challenge is to expose your closet. I find this just a tad intimidating. A close look into your closet doesn't only reveal your style in clothing and shoes, but it provides a glimpse into who you are. I may be attributing way too much thought to this, but the truth is, I learned a little bit about myself.
For starters, I have entirely too many clothes that I no longer wear. I keep saying that I'll lose weight and be able to wear them again, but never actually do. Clearly I have no follow through. I have a collection of beautiful scarves that I have never worn and a slew of belts that I never use. Although I desire to be stylish, I'm not willing to do what it takes. The portion of the closet that my husband shares is probably a 1/5th of what I am occupying. I am either a hoarder or just a tad high maintenance. I hide things that belong to my toddler that I do not want him to have unlimited access to. I must not completely trust him - but I think that's to be expected.
So, what did I find in my closet... Here's my list of ten.
1. A collection of sweaters and shirts. Below is a picture of my current favorites.
2. A collection of shoes including dress flats, boat shoes, high heels, and boots. The rough looking pair below I found at Walmart. I absolutely wore them out. This is actually the second edition and I refuse to toss these stinky things.
3. A step stool with a humidifier sitting on it.
4. A storage bin with clothes I can no longer wear.
5. A collection of scarves I never wear, but totally should.
6. Sheets for the bed.
7. Dumbbell weights I never use.
8. A pistol.
9. My little one's karaoke machine.
And my favorite...
10. An Elmo Potty - Yes, the potty training with Elmo back fired. It is seen clearly as a toy and not as a potty, so I put it in the closet to prevent confusion.
So, what's in your closet? (And I said this to the tone of the commercial "What's in your wallet?")
As always, thanks for reading.
January 21, 2013
The Elmo potty does look fun-I can understand the confusion!
1) Why did I arrive at your blog only to find the same template as yesterday? I thought you were going to change up daily for me!? You wound me;)
2) I totally feel you when it comes to wanting to look so cute but being willing to do what it takes. What is wrong with us? We are too practical, that's what is wrong with us. I know I'm going to workout at some point each day. So why waste an outfit and create laundry when I can just automatically get dressed in my workout clothes in the morning? Practicality or fashionality (not a word, you say? Meh)
3) what does my closet say: well I think the ridiculous amount of sleeveless shirts and tank tops says I think I live in the Caribbean and no one has the heart to tell me I'm wrong, or I have an overly inflated view of my arms and I think I'm Sarah Connor from Terminator!
Great post as always!
I love those should totally wear them, and you should do it while holding the pistol! Sassy and stylish, and maybe a little dangerous.
Ha ha ha! I was going to buy that potty but feared it would be a toy also! And those shoes are adorable :)
I second that you should totally wear those scarves! And you should totally re-purpose the items you don't use. How about putting a plant in the Elmp potty and using it as a housewarming gift? :) Ellen
I am so sorry to disappoint! :) Don't worry though. It might not be long!!
I love that karaoke machine! You've given me a gift idea for my little girl. We're potty training her right now, and she uses her potty for potty functions. And also a step stool, a mixing bowl, a microphone and many other bizarre things you would never imagine a toddler potty could be used for.
I see a few scarves that would look quite nice with your favorite tops! Wear them!
You have quite the random mix of things in that closet of yours. It's like an odd but fun party just waiting to happen.
No closet is complete without a karaoke machine!!!
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